Alfastreet | PROSTa DELOVNa MESTa Gaming Mon, 26 Oct 2020 12:59:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 PROSTa DELOVNa MESTa Mon, 26 Oct 2020 12:06:28 +0000 Zaradi povečanega obsega dela podjetje Počkaj d.o.o. razpisujemo prosti delovni mesti na
področju gaminga in sicer za delovni mesti:

Monter elektronskih naprav in opreme m/ž

Naloge in odgovornosti:
– Sestava računalnikov, električnih vezij in povezovalnih kablov
– Sestava polizdelkov (tipkovnice, printerji, tipke, bankomati,
– Montaža polizdelkov na aparate
– Nastavitve in končna kontrola delovanja aparatov
– Priprava rezervnih delov in materiala za proizvodnjo

– Priprava dokumentacije ob odpremi aparatov
– Pomoč pri pakiranju in odpremi aparatov
– Po potrebi montaža in servisiranje aparatov
– Skrb za čistočo in urejenost proizvodnih delovnih prostorov

– najmanj IV. stopnjo izobrazbe elektro, računalniške ali druge tehnične smeri,
– znanje za delo v MS Office ali Open Office okolju (Word, Excell, E-pošta, Internet).
– pogovorno in pisno znanje angleškega jezika,
– zaželeno vsaj 2 leti delovnih izkušenj,
– natančnost, samostojnost, skrbnost, zanesljivost,
– osebna urejenost,
– sposobnost samostojnega doseganja delovnih nalog,
– zaželeno iz bližnje okolice (do 50 km iz Sežane).

Nudimo vam:
– delo v dinamičnem, kreativnem in ambiciozno naravnanem mednarodnem podjetju,
– delo v mladem kolektivu,
– začetno usposabljanje,
– zaposlitev za določen čas 2 mesecev z možnostjo podaljšanja,
– polni redni delovni čas z urnikom od 8 do 16 ure.

Skladiščnik m/ž

Naloge in odgovornosti:
– izdaja in dobava materiala in polizdelkov v proizvodnjo ter priprava ustreznih
spremnih dokumentov,
– izdaja rezervnih delov kupcem ter priprava ustreznih spremnih dokumentov,
– izdaja izdelkov kupcem,
– prevzem materiala polizdelkov in izdelkov iz proizvodnje in prevzem materiala in
polizdelkov dobaviteljev,
– izdaja reklamacij dobaviteljem,
– prevzem reklamacij kupcev,
– skrb za urejenost in čistočo skladiščnega prostora,

– ostala dela po navodilih nadrejenega.

– Najmanj V.stopnjo izobrazbe,
– znanje za delo v MS Office ali Open Office okolju (Word, Excell, E-pošta, Internet),
– dobro pogovorno in pisno znanje angleškega jezika,
– zaželeno vsaj 2 leti delovnih izkušenj na podobnih delovnih mestih,
– samoiniciativnost, organiziranost, komunikativnost, natančnost, samostojnost,
skrbnost, zanesljivost,
– zaželeno Izpit za viličarja,
– zaželeno iz bližnje okolice (do 50 km iz Sežane).

Nudimo vam:
– delo v dinamičnem, kreativnem in ambiciozno naravnanem mednarodnem podjetju,
– delo v mladem kolektivu,
– začetno usposabljanje,
– zaposlitve za določen čas 1 leta z možnostjo podaljšanja pogodbe,
– polni redni delovni čas z urnikom od 8 do 16 ure.

Prijave sprejemamo od vključno 30.10.2020 na e-mail naslov

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PROSTO DELOVNO MESTO Tue, 22 Sep 2020 13:25:00 +0000 Zaradi povečanega obsega dela podjetje Počkaj d.o.o. razpisujemo prosto delovno mesto na
področju gaminga in sicer za delovno mesto:

Serviser za za tuje trge m/ž

Naloge in odgovornosti:
– Izvajanje instalacij oz. montaže igralnih aparatov in komponent aparatov na terenu v
tujini (casinoji in igralni saloni),
– Evidentiranje in arhiviranje napak na aparatih pri strankah v tujini,
– Terenska in tehnična podpora strankam doma in v tujini,
– Inštruiranje uporabnikov aparatov v tujini,
– Izvajanje procesa testiranja,
– Izvajanje popravil rabljenih igralnih aparatov ali komponent namenjenih nadaljnji
– Tehnična pomoč pri organizaciji sejemski prireditev.

– najmanj V. stopnjo izobrazbe elektro, računalniške ali druge tehnične smeri,
– znanje za delo v MS Office ali Open Office okolju (Word, Excell, E-pošta, Internet).
– aktivno pogovorno in pisno znanje angleškega jezika in zaželeno še enega tujega
– zaželeno vsaj 2 leti delovnih izkušenj,
– natančnost, samostojnost, skrbnost, zanesljivost,
– osebna urejenost, komunikativnost,
– sposobnost samostojnega doseganja delovnih nalog,
– veselje do daljših službenih odsotnosti v tujini (cca 60%-70% delovnega časa poteka
po terenu v tujini).

– delo v dinamičnem, kreativnem in ambiciozno naravnanem mednarodnem podjetju,
– delo v mladem kolektivu,
– začetno usposabljanje,
– nagrajevanje za presežene rezultate dela,
– delovno razmerje za določen čas 2 mesecev, z možnostjo podaljšanja, pričetek dela

Dodatne informacije glede razpisanega delovnega mesta lahko dobite na telefonski
številki 05/70 72 104.

Prijave sprejemamo od vključno 21.10.2020 do vključno 26.10.2020 na e-mail naslov

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Upgrading the electronic business of the company Počkaj d.o.o. to expand its business to foreign markets Mon, 31 Aug 2020 15:32:25 +0000 The company is implementing improvements in the electronic exchange between partners, digitization of appearances at fairs, a website for foreign markets, product videos, and competence building and training which will affect the reduction of costs, optimize workflow, improve quality, and employee satisfaction. The main plan is to improve automatization, digitalization of international processes, and therefore improved market competitiveness. With the implemented improvements the company will be able to easier interact with business partners, increase visibility and trust in products and services, increase exports, value-added and profits in foreign markets, and improve market position.
The company will be co-financed for the 70% of investment from the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union in the period of 2.20.2019 – 31.8.2020.

The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the Cohesion Fund.

More info:

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We keep supporting our partners, clients, and friends. Thu, 07 May 2020 15:42:29 +0000 In light of the Covid-19 situation, Alfastreet would like to extend some words of support and gratitude to all of the people involved with our company, and all of our loyal supporters throughout the almost 30 years of our existence.
The past few months have been very challenging for the global gaming community, and we, the manufacturers have been put through a test of strength, patience, and endurance. The following months will probably add another few levels of challenge to all of us, and at Alfastreet we would like to send our message and let everyone know that we are here, we are not going anywhere, and we are coming back as soon as possible.
We have been ready from day one of the global virus outbreak and we are now standing by, pushing forward and calculating the remaining days of this standstill.
We are more than grateful to all of our customers, our suppliers, our partners and our friends who are also going through tough times, and we are here to let them know that Alfastreet will stand by and help as much as possible, to any of them that need help.
In the end, our latest product line has been done and polished, waiting to jump to all of the major gaming floors around the world.
See you soon!

Thank you to everyone who keeps supporting us.

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Alfastreet creates Casino atmosphere at London ICE Mon, 02 Mar 2020 11:14:28 +0000 The 2020 edition of the ICE show in London was a success and a confirmation of the producers’ development directions and efforts. Along with a complete overview of the upgraded product lineup, the exhibition marked the world premiere of the brand new Alfastreet Verso single terminal. The attractive terminal provides elegant design, superb ergonomics and even more customising options as its predecessors, thus continuing the line of best selling gaming terminals. Not yet commercialised, it will be available with 32« and 27« touch screen monitors and state of the art equipment

The show was well visited and the booth with the striking new outlook was thriving throughout the 3 days. Along with the anticipated premiere, the visitors could see the R8 and Lucky 8 automated Roulettes, Wiky terminals in a »stadium« setup with connection to multiple live and electronic game sources, keeping in line with the demands of a modern casino venue.

Wide range of technically advanced products, confirmed yet again that Alfastreet maintains the leadership in the segment, combining the reliability, durability and beautiful engineering with state of the art technologies. The adaptability of the products is what sets the company apart from competitors and why the best operators worldwide consider Alfastreet the brand of choice.



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Irish Gaming Show 2020 Thu, 27 Feb 2020 08:24:36 +0000 Alfastreet will be present at Irish Gaming Show 2020 that will take place between 3rd and 4th of March 2020 at Red Cow Moran Hotel, Dublin. Join us at stand number 19.

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London ICE 2020 Mon, 03 Feb 2020 09:48:45 +0000 This year’s ICE will be particularly exciting for Alfastreet as we are bringing our most advanced and completely redesigned products.

Our super hit Wiky terminal gets to have a competitor with the new generation Verso terminal. This terminal will be the highlight of our brand new product line and combines together all the knowledge and experience we gathered through the years of manufacturing and setting up stadium like product configurations. 

In addition, we will focus on presenting our true multi connectivity between any of our product, platform or game generator, and we will top it with the latest version of our VIP terminals that is already pampering players around the world.

Last year was another year of positive market response and considerable growth of our company. We have expand our positions in Asia, US, latin America and Europe, and we opened up some new markets that are yet to bare fruit for our company. We will keep our focus on all the major gaming markets of the world and we will make sure our technology, innovative solutions and design, remain unsurpassed by any of our competitors.

Everyone is welcome to meet us and find out more, at our booth no. S7-130

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London ICE 2020 Thu, 23 Jan 2020 20:48:48 +0000 Another year has past, and we’re already approaching another ICE gaming show. 

Although Brexit is suppose to happen a week earlier, we’re hopeful this won’t interfere with the show or the overall attendance. ICE is still the most important gaming show for Alfastreet and as usually, we’re investing a lot of time and effort to present ourselves as the leading and most innovative Electronic Table Game producer.This year we will completely redesign our stand, with emphasis on the greet and meet area which was always too small to fit the number of visitors interested in discussing our products and services in details. We will also make sure we present our fair share of novelties, with a particular focus on our brand new generation of single terminals which are designated to replace oursuperstar, Wiky terminal. Naturally, we will also present the wide range of our most popular products like R8 roulette, Lucky 8, VIP terminals, Bar Top, Table Top and more. As every year, we will also prepare a special show promotion with very lucrative discounts available on site.  Our sales team will be accompanied by our distributors from multiple parts of the world, just so we make sure all and full service is given to every customer. A special reception will be organised on our booth, after the closing hours of the show, to further compliment our friends an dour customers, and to get a little bit more personal time with every each one of them. With the year closing, we are happy to report a steady growth in sales and revenue, and we are very eager to continue the 8 year streak in the new 2020. With our focus on key markets like Asia, US and Europe, and our development working full power, we are confident and assured that we’ll retain and strengthen our position on the global gaming market.

All are welcome on our booth no. S7-130 from 4th till 6th of February, 2020. 

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BEGE Expo Sofia Fri, 15 Nov 2019 14:08:46 +0000 BEGE expo in Sofia is only few days  and Alfastreet is ready to once again present the latest product line to the regional customers.

We will attend the show with our exclusive distributor company Bulgames who has been our loyal partner and friend for many years and represents our company in the best way possible. 

This year, we will bring the products that are specifically customised for the local markets, to perfectly suit the player’s habits and demands.
For many years, Alfastreet brand has been no1 on the Bulgarian market, and together with our local partner, we will make sure our position remains unchallenged.
We warmly welcome all of the visitors to our booth no. 2.13, on 20-21st of November, at BEGE expo in Sofia. 

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SAGSE Argentina 2019 Mon, 11 Nov 2019 10:48:29 +0000 This year’s SAGSE will take place in Buenos Aires, from on 20th – 22nd of November. We are delighted to come back to this show, after a short break and we are eager to present ourselves with our best and brightest products. We will organize our presentation together with our exclusive distributor, Go Global Argentina, and this year we’re planning a truly special presentation. Alfastreet has become a well-known and respected brand in Argentina and it is our outmost responsibility to reinforce our position and keep the distance from our followers. Our distributor, Go Go Global Argentina is doing a wonderful job for us, and together with our support and development, we maintain our position at the market and we’re looking forward to the future challenges. Everyone is welcome to visit at our booth and experience our great products and even greatest hospitality.

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